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Saturday, July 23, 2011

On the Street

Okay, I'm just hopping on a plane back to sanity after a crazy couple of weeks upon my return from Ireland...thus the lack of posts here. But as my friend Ben likes to say, excuses are like armpits; everyone has 'em and they all stink. I used to use that one a lot with my third graders. It works with college students, too. At least I think so.
So, back to Ireland...doesn't that feel like some sort of strange dream? It's like those mornings where I'm cozy and comfortable and my mind is fighting the pending reality of the day against the dreamy dreamland I'm in (how's that for word choice...). But Lansing's nice, too. Really- you should come and visit. It's green. And white. And there are a lot of farms. So on paper, it is kind of like Ireland. What more could I want?

A little more action, for one. Like any large, international city, Dublin's street performers were a lively bunch. A late Saturday afternoon on Grafton street offered a colorful array of entertainment.

Strolling the streets in a "find whatever you find" sort of way is a great way to spend few hours in a new place. Most days, it beat making a plan to rush and see castles or cathedrals, though they were beautiful, too. Really, who would want to miss out on hours of fun at places like these?

What the heck happens here, anyway?

1 comment:

  1. LOVE the armpit excuse! That's a good one. I should cross stitch that.
    ....wait a minute.....
